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Request a Training or Workshop | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Request a Training or Workshop

Thank you so much for your interest in collaborating with the Office of Equity & Title IX. Presentations can be centered around Title IX policy and procedure, consent, and healthy relationships. We value collaboration and would be excited to work with you to develop a specific program that fits your program or group if the ones listed below do not directly fit your needs.

Our dynamic engaging presentations are facilitated by the Title IX team including Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Peer Educators. We look forward to working with you!

Program Options

Title IX/Consent: Kahoot

Time: 1 hour

Presenters: Peer Educators and/or Title IX Coordinator

Needs: Computer and projector

Through this engaging competition students will be tested on their knowledge of the following:

• Title IX policy
• Title IX process
• How to file a Title IX report
• Resources and support that the Title IX office can provide 

Presenters will engage with the audience by providing tangible examples and encouraging robust conversations as short debriefs in between questions. These conversations will allow for students to be able to ask their questions in time and without judgment. The program will be concluded with a brief survey to assess the impact of the presentation and award the winner of the competition with a prize. One week following the presentation the facilitator will email requestor the attendance, feedback, and recommendations for future education opportunities specific to the feedback provided.

You say what?

Time: 1 hour

Presenters: Peer Educators and/or Title IX Coordinator

Needs: Computer, projector, and speakers

The facilitator will become the DJ and MC of a dance party. When the Music plays students will be encouraged to dance and party with their friends. When the music stops, students will be asked to act out the scenario on the screen. Students can expect to debrief the scenarios and also gain helpful tips and tricks to assist them in being an effective bystander. Topics of the scenarios will include:

• Support available to sober hosts 
• When to contact Public Safety
• Practicing bystander principles of direct, distract, delegate

The program will be concluded with a brief survey to assess the impact of the presentation.

Consent šŸ†šŸ‘šŸŽ‰ ?

Time: 1.5 hour 

Presenters: Peer Educators and/or Title IX Coordinator

Needs: Computer and projector

This presentation seeks to dive deeper through discussion into the nuances of affirmative consent. Students will be provided an article in advance and asked to come prepared to engage in a discussion. Topics of the discussion will include

• Affirmative consent
• Title IX definition of consent
• Laws about consent and sexual assault
• Rape culture and #MeToo

The program will be concluded with a brief survey to assess the impact of the presentation. One week following the presentation the facilitator will email requestor the attendance, feedback, and recommendations for future education opportunities specific to the feedback provided. 

Beyond Netflix and Chill

Time: 1 hour

Presenters: Peer Educators and/or Title IX Coordinator

Needs: Computer and projector

Facilitators will recreate Family Feud with a spin right here on campus. Teams will be quizzed on their knowledge of:

• Healthy relationships
• Sexual intimacy
• Healthy disagreements
• Healthy tips for heartache

Presenters will engage with the audience by providing tangible examples and encouraging robust conversations as short debriefs in between questions. These conversations will allow for students to be able to ask their questions in time and without judgment. One week following the presentation the facilitator will email requestor the attendance, feedback, and recommendations for future education opportunities specific to the feedback provided.

#MeToo Now What?

Time: 1 hour

Presenters: Peer Educators and/or Title IX Coordinator

Needs: Computer and projector

How do we promote/inspire systematic change within campus policy and procedures about sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment? This discussion will focus on what campuses and students can do to continue the #MeToo movement. Students will engage with their peers in group exercises that encourage the sharing of ideas and resources to promote an inclusive and safe campus culture. Students will be inspired and empowered to be the change they hope to see on campus.

One week following the presentation the facilitator will email requestor the attendance, feedback, and recommendations for future education opportunities specific to the feedback provided.

Custom Presentation (Teamwork Makes The Dream Work)

Presenters: Peer Educators and/or Title IX Coordinator

Do you have an idea about a presentation or conversation around Title IX, Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, or Harassment and want to collaborate with the Title IX team to make that happen? Let us know your idea and we would be happy to help you in designing and presenting a presentation that is tailored to your organization’s needs. 

What we need to make this happen:

A detailed description of your idea or narrative of the topics you think the Title IX office can assist in addressing

How many people you expect to attend

Who the presentation is for: organization, specific event, or club