University of Redlands

Program Presentation Request

Thank you so much for your interest in collaborating with the Office of Equity & Title IX. Please fill out the form below and select the presentation that best fits your group’s needs. Presentations can be centered around Title IX policy and procedure, consent, and healthy relationships. We value collaboration and would be excited to work with you to develop a specific program that fits your program or group if the ones listed below do not directly fit your needs.

We will respond to you within one business week with further details. Our dynamic engaging presentations are facilitated by the Office of Equity & Title IX team including the Director of Equity & Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Peer Educators. We look forward to working with you!

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Program selection

Descriptions and details of the programs can be found here.

Select from the following programs *


Your contact information


* Required field


Event information

Please tell us a bit about the event. You may use the text box below or upload the flyer for your event in PDF format.


Desired date and time of presentation

Please give us three days — and three times for each day — for us to consider when scheduling.

Day one

Day two

Day three


Please use the Previous Step and Next Step buttons below to review all fields before submission.