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Resources | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Support and Resources

Options for support are available for anyone harmed or impacted by sexual harassment or sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, or stalking, regardless of whether the person harmed or impacted also chooses options for accountability.

University Support

Office of Equity & Title IX

Any member of the University of Redlands community can contact the Director of Equity & Title IX Coordinator to ask questions, learn more about options and resources, request supportive measures, make a complaint, or choose which steps are right for you.

Supportive measures are available regardless of whether someone chooses to make a formal complaint. Supportive measures may include options such as short or long-term changes to work, academic, or activity schedules or housing; no contact directives; counseling; and other measures for safety and well-being.

You can email, call, stop by, or write the Director of Equity & Title IX Coordinator, Corinne Vorenkamp:

Confidential support

If you’d like to speak with someone confidentially, these options do not report what you share to the Title IX Coordinator or others, with exceptions for crimes against anyone under eighteen or in situations involving imminent risk of harm:

  • Counseling Center– 24/7 crisis support and counseling through the University (909-748-8108 or Crisis Line: 909-748-8960) 
  • Timely Care– 24/7 support and free teletherapy for students that’s outside/independent of the University

Community and National Resources

  • Partners Against Violence – 24/7 crisis support, advocacy, and free counseling for sexual assault survivors in Redlands or San Bernardino (909-885-8884)
  • Option House - 24/7 dating/domestic violence support, advocacy, and free counseling in San Bernardino (909-381-3471)
  • Rainn – 24/7 crisis support and resources for sexual assault (online chat or 800-656-4673)
  • – 24/7 chat/crisis dating abuse support and information about relationships
  • – information and resources about stalking, link to safety assessment tool

Further Reading & Materials