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Poll Everywhere Student page | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is a Classroom Response System (CRS) similar to clickers, except that you use your own smart device (smartphone, tablet or laptop) to participate in class polls.

Responding to Polls

Students and participants can respond to polls via web link, mobile app or text message for certain poll types.

We recommend using the mobile app for responding to Poll Everywhere polls. The iOS app requires version 7.0 or later, while the Android app requires version 4.4 and up. You can download the app for your mobile platform by clicking on the provided icons:

Available on the App Store

Get it on Google Play


Instructions for responding to a poll question using either a web browser/app or via text are included on each poll when displayed. 

If you are using the Poll Everywhere mobile app, click I’m participating, then enter the name of the poll in the field provided.Poll Everywhere participation window

The “” part is already added (examples: biology001 or johnsmith123).

Recent presentations you have joined will be saved and can be selected from the list.

If you are using a web browser, enter the address displayed in your browser address bar  (other examples: or  

To respond by text message, you must have registered and certified your phone number with Poll Everywhere. To join a poll, send the presentation’s name (examples: johnsmith123 or biology001) to the number listed. You will receive a message telling you that you have joined.  you've joined notification

Troubleshooting Suggestions

Using a web browser

  • Clear your browser cache
  • Restart the browser
  • Try a different browser (if using Internet Explorer, try Firefox, etc.)

Using the mobile app

  • Make sure the app is up-to-date
  • Restart the app
  • Uninstall and reinstall the app

Using the SMS text option

  • Check to make sure you have cell phone coverage. If your cell signal in the classroom is very weak or non-existent, inform your instructor.