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Budget Info | University of Redlands

Budget Information

 University funds may be used for allowable business expenses that support the mission of the University. Such allowable expenses may be directly charged to University funds through acceptable buying and paying methods or may be reimbursed. Request for funds can be submitted by completing the  appropriate form.

For questions regarding requests and approvals contact the Dean's Office

Reimbursement Information

All individuals requesting a reimbursement must do so by completing a  Reimbursement Form

1. Only approved expenses will be reimbursed.

2. After completing a reimbursement form, submit a digital version and receipt(s) to your departmental support staff member.

3. Currency conversions must be calculated for international expenses.  

4. Funds will be reimbursed in accordance with university policy.

How do I complete a reimbursement form?

For any additional questions call the Office of Business and Finance at ext. 8853

It is strongly encouraged to sign up for direct deposit. If you are interested in establishing direct deposit for university reimbursements, you may do that on Note that this is different than the payroll direct deposit process.  

Web Advisor for employees

·  Financial Information

o   Bank Information (U.S.)

Reimbursement Policy

Redlands Expense Reimbursement Policies & Procedures


In order to be paid directly by the University or reimbursed to an individual, a business expense must be: 


Necessary - An expense is necessary if there is a valid business purpose required to fulfill the mission of the University. The primary beneficiary of a necessary business expense is the University, not the individual. A necessary expense is a minimum purchase or service required to achieve a valid business objective. 


Reasonable - Reasonable means the amount that normally would be spent in a specific situation. An expense is considered reasonable if it is not extreme or excessive and reflects a prudent decision and action to incur the expense. The Expense Reimbursement Policies and Procedures do not define precise dollar amounts for what constitutes reasonable, because the reasonableness of an expense depends upon many relevant factors including the business purpose, location, the context, the source of funds, and the circumstances surrounding the expenditure. 


Appropriate - Costs are appropriate if they are suitable or fitting for a particular business purpose. In order for a cost to be appropriate it is also presumed that there is a valid business purpose, which is normally the responsibility of the department or program to determine. 


Allowable - If an expense is necessary, reasonable, and appropriate, the University considers it an allowable expense.  Federal regulations use the same criteria, as a rule. 




Faculty Travel Support Policy

Policies and Priorities for Faculty Travel Support

University of Redlands School of Education

Approved by SOE Assembly November 11, 2015


The School of Education has three primary purposes for providing travel support to its full time faculty:

Purpose 1:  Enhanced visibility for faculty and, therefore, the School that comes from

(a)    Faculty presenting their scholarship at the conference of a major association related to their particular discipline.

The simple fact of (a) either presenting (paper, poster, symposium, or round table) or being a discussant at one of these major associations satisfies the requirement that the School receives advantage from the person’s participation. 

The case for support is clear with respect to presenting at the conference of a major, national association related to the faculty member’s discipline.  In cases where the conference does not meet this criterion, it is incumbent on the faculty member to make the case for how the SOE will be served by that presentation.

(b)    Faculty serving as officers of an association that is related to the mission of the School or University.

Purpose 2:  Enhanced quality of instruction through professional development activities.  This is an especially salient category for clinical faculty for whom research is a lesser expectation in terms of time commitment. 

To meet this criterion, the faculty member must successfully address in his or her application the specific professional development opportunity that attendance at this conference presents and how this will enhance his or her teaching.

Purpose 3:  Networking and other opportunities to enhance the Schools strategic advantages.

This is most applicable to state-level conferences, though in may apply to some national conferences as well.   

When this is the primary justification for attending a conference, it is incumbent on the applicant faculty member to establish (a) how the School will profit from his or her attendance, (b) and the mechanisms through which that networking is expected to occur.  For example, in a small, informal conference, participants reasonably will have opportunities to interact with all other participants whereas at a large conference, networking cannot be left to chance encounters and so the particular networking mechanism (e.g., participation on a panel; an invitation to a special event within the larger conference; a prearranged meeting of some sort, etc.).

Criteria for Evaluating Proposals

              Each travel proposals will be evaluated in terms of the extent to which it meets these criteria stated above.  In addition:

  1. When the purpose of the travel is to present scholarship, the faculty member who is applying should indicate whether the particular conference uses a peer review process to select presentations.  If there is not a peer review process, the faculty member should describe how his or her presentation was selected.
  2. When the purpose of the travel is to present research findings, the faculty member should provide the IRB approval number for the study from which the findings were made (or, should there be none, justify that omission in terms of relevant legal or ethical standards applicable to research done by University of Redlands faculty member).  

International Travel

International travel must meet these criteria as well in order to receive funding.  In this case there typically is particular emphasis given to Purpose 1, which pertains to enhancing faculty and institutional reputation. 

  • Priority will be given to sponsoring attendance at conferences for major associations that represent the faculty member’s discipline at either the national (e.g., British Educational Research Association) or multinational (European Educational Research Association; Interamerican Congress of Psychology) levels.
    • Justification to a less significant conference requires an especially clear and compelling argument.
  • Travel to a foreign conference might be made in order to advance our international agenda with respect to attracting students or developing relationships that will allow collaborations. 

But except in the rare case where the faculty member is able to provide a very clear action plan specifying people, meetings at the conference, and concrete expected outcomes, this alone will be an insufficient reason for travel to a foreign conference.  That is, in most cases these connections are expected to develop organically as a function of scholarship-focused interactions with colleagues. 

Note:  No matter how worthy or important the conference, the School will not provide support if the faculty member has support available from another means (e.g., grants; travel support that might be given to those in elected office for the particular association).