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Teacher Candidates | University of Redlands



The University of Redlands provides a multi-faceted teacher education program. After successful completion of the required course work and program requirements, students advance to student teaching or a teaching internship.

The regulations and requirements of our teacher education program are approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). All teacher credentials candidates must demonstrate competency in their specific subject matter area prior to student teaching and the teaching seminar. 

University Resources

Program Resources

Program Pathways for Summer 2022 start and before

The coursework and the field experience segments of the program are delivered in a prescribed sequence. Pathways are recommended for timely program completion.

These pathways are for students who started their program in Summer 2022 or before.

Masters + Credential

MALT Multiple Subject Pathway

MALT Single Subject Pathway

MALT Education Specialist Pathway

MALT Education Specialist-Online Pathway

Credential Only

PTC Multiple Subject Pathway

PTC Single Subject Pathway

PTC Education Specialist Pathway

CAS Undergraduate 

Multiple Subject CAS Pathway

Single Subject CAS Pathway

Single Subject CAS School of Music Pathway

Fieldwork Handbooks

The fieldwork handbooks contains information about the policies, processes, and procedures related to fieldwork. Since policies change over time, the fieldwork handbooks are updated every academic year.

Student Teaching Handbook

Teaching Internship Handbook

Teacher Residency Handbook


The Student Success Center is dedicated to providing support and services that will help you achieve your academic and personal goals.

Have Questions? Need Support?

Student Success Advisors focus on providing comprehensive support and guidance. Learn more about how to recieve support from the Student Success Center.



Credential Recommendation

Credential Authorizations

Multiple Subject and Single Subject 

Teacher candidates earning a Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential will have the following authorization included in their Preliminary Credential when recommended to CTC. 


English Learners Authorization (authorization code ELAM or ELAS)

The following instructional services may be provided to English learners within the specialty area(s) and grade/age level authorization of this document: (1) English language development defined as instruction designed specifically for limited-English-proficient students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English; and (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English defined as instruction in a subject area, delivered in English, that is specially designed to meet the needs of limited-English-proficient students. This English learner authorization also covers classes taught on the basis of other valid, non-emergency credentials or permits held within the settings or content/specialty area(s) listed at the grade or age levels authorized.


Education Specialist 

Teacher candidates earning an Education Specialist credential will have the following authorizations included in their Preliminary Credential when recommended to CTC. 

Mild to Moderate Support Needs (authorization code R3MN) - For students who began their program in Summer 2022 or after. 

The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Mild to Moderate Support Needs authorizes the holder to conduct Educational Assessments related to students’ access to the academic curriculum and progress towards meeting instructional goals, provide instruction, and Special Education Support to students with mild to moderate support needs related to one or more of the following disabilities: autism, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, and traumatic brain injury; in kindergarten, including transitional kindergarten, grades 1-12 through age 22, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.


Mild/Moderate Disabilities (authorization code R3MM) - For students who began their program in Spring 2022 or earlier. 

This authorizes the holder to conduct Educational Assessments related to student's access to the academic core curriculum and progress towards meeting instructional academic goals, provide instruction, and Special Education Support to individuals with a primary disability of specific learning disabilities, mild/moderate intellectual disabilities, other health impairment, and emotional disturbance, in kindergarten, grades 1 - 12 through age 22, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.


Autism Spectrum Disorders Authorization (authorization code AAAS)

The autism spectrum disorders added authorization authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to individuals with a primary disability of autism across the continuum of special education program options at the grade and age levels authorized by the prerequisite credential.


English Learners Authorization (authorization code ELAE)

The following instructional services may be provided to English learners within the specialty area(s) and grade/age level authorization of this document: (1) English language development defined as instruction designed specifically for limited-English-proficient students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English; and (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English defined as instruction in a subject area, delivered in English, that is specially designed to meet the needs of limited-English-proficient students. This English learner authorization also covers classes taught on the basis of other valid, non-emergency credentials or permits held within the settings or content/specialty area(s) listed at the grade or age levels authorized.

Interested in a Second Credential?

Once Single Subject and Multiple Subject teacher candidates has received their Preliminary teaching credential, they may apply directly with CCTC to receive an additional teaching credential or content area. 

Teacher candidates must meet subject matter competency for the second credential. 

Additionally, teacher candidates will need to complete a content/subject-specific methodology course that is approved by CCTC. The University of Redlands multiple subject methodology course requirement can be met through the University of Redlands. The single subject methodology course requirement cannot be met throug the University of Redlands, however,  CTC provides a list of institutions that teacher candidates can do this through.
Teacher candidates will go through the CCTC to process the credential recommendation. Instruction for that process can be found here, under "How to Apply." Teacher candidates can talk to their advisor for more guidance on this process.