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Degree Sign-Off & Credentialing | University of Redlands

Degree Sign-Off & Credentialing

You must fulfill all School Counseling program requirements, including coursework and fieldwork, and pass the comprehensive exam before your degree can be conferred by the University of Redlands. Meanwhile, you can apply to be recommended for a Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) School Counseling Credential as soon as you pass all coursework associated with the PPS credential, excluding the master's thesis course, and complete the required fieldwork hours and evaluations.

Once all PPS: School Counseling credential requirements are completed, you will submit the PPS credential application and attach the following materials in PDF format:

  • Practica (pre-fieldwork) log
  • Time2Track approved fieldwork hour summary
  • Time2Track fieldwork goals (Candidate Individualized Plans) for each site/term
  • Time2Track Week 7 and Final evaluations for each site/term

Before submitting a degree sign-off request form, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • All program coursework is completed and passed (submission can be made with pending final semester grades)
  • All Time2Track fieldwork evaluations are completed for each fieldwork site and term (the status of all Time2Track forms should be "complete")
  • The required number of fieldwork hours are documented and approved in Time2Track
  • Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) is passed

Deadlines for Degree Conferral 

University degrees are conferred by the Registrar's Office at the end of each academic semester four times a year, with the official conferral date corresponding to the last date of the semester/term (Fall, Spring, May, and Summer). Degrees are conferred on the first official conferral date after degree requirements (required coursework, non-coursework, and necessary supporting documents) are completed.

Degree sign-off requests are accepted up to two weeks after the last day of the semester. Requests for degree sign-off received after that time will be deferred until the following conferral date.

There is no set deadline by which to apply for the PPS credential, but candidates are encouraged to apply for their credential upon completion of the PPS credential requirements.

In order to be accepted by the Registrar's Office, degree sign-off requests must be submitted within two weeks from the conferral dates listed above. Candidates who meet the requirements for the PPS School Counseling Credential will follow the application process via the Pathway to Credentialing page. 

Degree Sign-Off Request Form >

Pathway to Credentialing >