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Pre-Fieldwork | University of Redlands


The pre-fieldwork requirements are designed to ensure you are best prepared to enter the field and begin your fieldwork experience. All the pre-fieldwork requirements, including coursework and FERPA training, must be completed prior to advancing to fieldwork.

Pre-Fieldwork Requirements

Step 1: Successfully Complete Pre-Fieldwork Coursework

Successfully complete the following course prior to advancing to fieldwork:

  • EDUC 607  Introduction to Higher Education & Student Affiars  

Step 2: Submit Your Advance to Fieldwork Request Form

Submit your Advance to Fieldwork Request form before the end of your first term in the program. 

This form signals your readiness to engage in fieldwork in the program. It provides information about your anticipated timeline for fieldwork and ideas or plans for your placement.

Step 3: Complete Your FERPA Training

You must complete FERPA training and send the certificate of completion to before being released for fieldwork.

FERPA training is intended to familiarize students with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Students completing fieldwork at post-secondary settings are expected to comply.

Step 4: Identify a Fieldwork Placement & a Site Mentor

The next step is to identify a fieldwork placement and a site mentor. It is recommended that placements be identified 5 to 6 weeks before the beginning of the term in which you will be completing fieldwork hours.

Based on your anticipated timeline, goals, and ideas for fieldwork, discuss possible plans for fieldwork with your advisor, if necessary. The Office of Career and Professional Development can provide support and services that can assist you when identifying or applying for a fieldwork placement and/or site mentor.

Step 5: Share the Site Mentor Fieldwork Agreement Letter

Once you have identified a fieldwork placement and site mentor, you will need to share the Site Mentor Fieldwork Agreement Letter with your mentor.

Step 6: Register for EDUC 666 Fieldwork Practicum in Higher Education

During the open registration period, register for the appropriate number of units of EDUC 666 Fieldwork Practicum in Higher Education. Each unit of credit is equivalent to 40 hours of fieldwork.