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Learning Outcome Assessment | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Learning Outcomes

At the University of Redlands, our students actively pursue certificates, undergraduate, and graduate studies to develop the perspectives, skills, and ethics to shape meaningful learning within their fields of study and to create a just and equitable world.

The University of Redlands prepares its students to:

  • * Critically analyze varied sources of information;
  • * Reckon with perspectives different from their own;
  • * Communicate effectively through a variety of media, technologies, and forms;
  • * Formulate forward-looking solutions to complex problems; and
  • * Serve local and global communities as informed, reflective, and active citizens.


Each degree program is required to develop and implement a plan to assess the degree to which students demonstrate mastery of the learning outcomes that define the degree, at the program, school, and institutional levels. The expectation is that each program will evaluate all their program learning outcomes by the time they reach their program review. Assessment plans and reports are reviewed by the faculty members of the Educational Assessment Committee (EAC). All plans and reports are submitted through our assessment solution – Watermark Planning and Self-Study, which may be entered via myRedlands.

The assessment plan submission requires the program chair or coordinator to choose the learning outcome(s) you plan to assess, indicate the course or non-course based measure(s), set a target for student score, and attach a rubric or other pertinent materials. A designated EAC member will review your plan and leave a comment with any feedback. Assessment reports are due in mid-October.

The assessment report submission requires the program chair or coordinator to complete the process begun on their assessment plan by adding in the results of their assessment. The program chair or coordinator will either enter the results of their assessment and reflect on if student met or did not meet the target and write a brief narrative. To finish out the report, the chair or coordinator will enter a short narrative evaluating the attainment of the learning outcome by referencing the measures attached to the plan and have the option to enter an action plan. The assessment report is due in mid-September, however programs with no summer term component often choose to submit in May.  Assessment reports are evaluated on a rubric by EAC members and feedback provided. 

Training videos, materials, and information on live assistance dates may be found on the training SharePoint. If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact 


Curriculum maps delineate how and through which courses or sets of courses, students will be introduced to learning outcomes, and develop and master their expertise in the learning outcomes of that degree program. Curriculum maps are entered into Watermark Planning and Self-Study.