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CITI Training for PIs | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

CITI Training for PIs

Navigate to CITI Training and Create an Account.

Visit If you haven't already registered on the CITI Program site, create a new account.


Register as a member of the University of Redlands organization.


Provide your University of Redlands credentials.

Provide your first name, last name, and University of Redlands email address. You may also provide a secondary email address (e.g., a GMail address).

NOTE: It is very important for you to use your University of Redlands email address when registering with CITI Training. Doing so will allow Axiom Mentor to find your completed course certifications.


Create a username, password, and response to a security question.


Respond to the CEU question.

CEU credits are not required by the University of Redlands. So, most often the response to this question will be No.


Confirm your language preference, provide your University of Redlands email address.


Respond to the placement questions as shown below.


Choose the appropriate Learner Group. 

Student, faculty, administrator, and staff principal investigators will be Investigators - Human Subjects, unless they are a member of the IRB or performing a related administrative function.


Choose the Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research Course as shown below.


Finalize your registration.


View your course list.


Start your course(s).


Need help?

Contact the IRB Administrative Coordinator.