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Student Centered Technology Evaluation | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Student Centered Technology Evaluation

Plan Focus

Importance: Students need to be equipped the essential technology skills and knowledge so that they can lead a life of meaning, impact, and joy.

Plan: This plan aims to provide students with the technological competency to excel in a dynamic workplace and the world beyond.

Lead: CIO, Deans, Office of Career and Professional Development. 

Goal 1: Identify Relevant Workplace and World Technologies

Objective 1.1: Technology Assessment

  • Importance: Knowing our current alignment with workplace and world technologies will allow us to understand where we need to grow.
  • Objective: Conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify current and emerging technologies that students need to understand to excel in their future careers and life.
  • Timeline: Complete the technology assessment within 6 months.

Objective 1.2: Industry Collaboration

  • Importance: Collaboration with industry allows us to both use the best technologies and provide students with connections for their future.

  • Objective: Foster collaboration with industry partners to stay updated on the latest technology trends and ensure alignment with workplace requirements.
  • Timeline: Establish ongoing industry partnerships for technology insights.

Goal 2: Enhance Learning and Engagement with Technology

Objective 2.1: Pedagogical Integration

  • Importance: The right use of technology can expand access and learning for students.
  • Objective: Explore pedagogical approaches that leverage technology to enhance learning outcomes and student engagement.
  • Timeline: Begin implementing pedagogical enhancements within 12 months.

Objective 2.2: Technology Evaluation

  • Importance: Having a clear technology assessment tool allows us to insure technology is accessible and is culturally relevant for all users.
  • Objective: Evaluate and select technology tools and platforms that have the potential to enhance learning and engagement across various disciplines.
  • Timeline: Complete the technology evaluation and selection within 9 months.

Goal 3: Curriculum Integration

Objective 3.1: Curriculum Alignment

  • Importance: Students need to have a diverse, technologically relevant curriculum to enable them to interact with the world beyond higher education.
  • Objective: Align curriculum with identified workplace and world technologies and integrate relevant tech-focused courses or modules into the academic programs.
  • Timeline: Begin curriculum alignment within 12 months.

Objective 3.2: Faculty Training

  • Importance: Faculty need to be comfortable, confident, and knowledgeable about the technology the students will be using.
  • Objective: Provide training and support for faculty to effectively incorporate technology-enhanced content into their courses and teaching methodologies.
  • Timeline: Initiate faculty training programs within 9 months.

Goal 4: Student Support and Assessment

Objective 4.1: Student Resources

  • Importance: Students need to be comfortable, confident, and knowledgeable about the technology they will be using.
  • Objective: Develop and provide resources, workshops, and support services to help students acquire the necessary technology skills.
  • Timeline: Launch student support resources within 12 months.

Objective 4.2: Assessment Framework

  • Importance: Routinely assessing the technology will allow the university to quickly expand relevant tools or shrink tools that are ineffective.
  • Objective: Establish an assessment framework to measure the effectiveness of technology integration in improving student learning outcomes and workplace readiness.
  • Timeline: Develop the assessment framework within 6 months.

These goals and objectives underscore our commitment to preparing our students not only to meet but to exceed the demands of the ever-evolving job market by embracing technology as an essential tool for success.