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Evaluate & Enhance Teaching Modalities | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Evaluate & Enhance Teaching Modalities

Plan Focus

Importance: Reducing barriers to learning enables all students the ability to perform and graduate with the knowledge and tools needed for a life of impact and joy.

Plan: The plan aims to evaluate and enhance technology in classrooms to support flexible teaching modalities, optimize the Learning Management System (LMS) for hybrid and online courses, and foster collaboration among stakeholders to improve the learning experience for all students, particularly underserved populations. This includes conducting an accessibility audit and making necessary improvements to ensure compliance, implementing affordability initiatives, and ensuring that technology and support services are accessible to students with disabilities.

Lead: Provost, Instructional Design teams, and Deans, .

Goal 1: Enhance Modalities for Flexible Classrooms and Hybrid Programs

Objective 1.1: Technology-Enhanced Classrooms

  • Importence: Flexible spaces enable instructors to implement new, innovative, and accessible pedagogies.
  • Objective: Evaluate and enhance technology in classrooms to support flexible teaching modalities, including hybrid and online courses.
  • Timeline: Complete the evaluation and enhancement of technology in classrooms within 12 months.
  • Learn about the project

Objective 1.2: Learning Management System (LMS) Optimization

  • Importance: Quality remote and hybrid learning expands the possibility for students to learn, reflect, and interact.
  • Objective: Optimize the university's Learning Management System to facilitate seamless delivery of hybrid and online courses, improving the learning experience.
  • Timeline: Achieve LMS optimization within 9 months.

Goal 2: Enhance Accessibility and Affordability for Underserved Students

Objective 2.1: Accessibility Audit and Improvements

  • Importance: Accessibility guidelines improve the experience for all students, regardless if they have disclosed a disability.
  • Objective: Conduct an accessibility audit of digital resources and course materials. Implement necessary improvements to ensure accessibility compliance.
  • Timeline: Complete the accessibility audit and improvements within 12 months.

Objective 2.2: Accessible Technology and Services

  • Importance: Accessible technology and services improve the experience for all students, regardless if they have disclosed a disability.
  • Objective: Ensure that technology and support services are accessible to students with disabilities, promoting inclusivity.
  • Timeline: Establish accessible technology and services within 12 months.

Objective 2.3: Affordability Initiatives

  • Importance: Student learning should not be hindered by textbook and equipment costs.

  • Objective: Implement affordability initiatives such as open educational resources (OER) adoption and textbook affordability programs to reduce educational costs for underserved students.
  • Timeline: Launch affordability initiatives within 9 months.

Goal 3: Collaboration and Training

Objective 3.1: Collaboration Among Stakeholders

  • Importance: Collaboration ensures that a diversity of viewpoints and knowledge is used to build a solution that will benefit multiple groups.

  • Objective: Foster collaboration among instructional design teams, faculty, and administrators to ensure the effective implementation of flexible modalities and accessibility initiatives.
  • Timeline: Promote ongoing collaboration among stakeholders.

Objective 3.2: Training and Professional Development

  • Importance: Making sure all faculty, staff, and administrators know about and can utilize technology, accessibility best practices, and available resources, promotes student learning.

  • Objective: Provide training and professional development opportunities for faculty to enhance their skills in delivering flexible and accessible courses.
  • Timeline: Conduct regular training sessions and professional development activities.