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Yammer | University of Redlands


What is Yammer?

Yammer is a social networking site that is focused on professional business and educational facilities. Similar to Facebook, while using Yammer new posts will appear on the main screen, also called the Newsfeed.

Yammer is a social networking tool supported by the University of Redlands. When accessing Yammer through UoR you know that your information is protected from anyone outside of the network. To log onto the UoR Yammer account, you must have a email address. The email address will allow you to connect with faculty, staff, and students across all UoR schools and college.

To access Yammer, visit your MyRedlands portal and select the waffle top left corner

In your app folder locate the Yammer Icon 

If you don't see the icon in your apps select All apps

Why Should I Use Yammer?

  • Share documents, participate in conversations, discuss timelines and coordinate teams without ever having to meet in person. 
  • Share knowledge, learn and make decisions in real time.
  • Easily connect with others in your organization via phone, tablet or browser. 
  • Establish work profiles to create online social relationships with colleagues. 
  • Encourage innovation, facilitate the capture of ideas, and create a spirit of collaboration.

Set up Yammer for your Mobile Phone