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Converting TurningPoint | University of Redlands

If you have Turning Point slides and you would like to reuse them in Poll Everywhere, the following steps will allow you to save some time in the Windows environment. Note: Slides must be converted on at a time.

  • Open a PowerPoint file that contains Turning Point slides

  • Click on the Poll Everywhere PowerPoint Add-In and log in using your UoR account

    Poll Everywhere Add-In 

  • Select the first slide you would like to convert and then click on the Convert Slide option.

    Convert TP slide to poll

  • You will see a preview of the converted poll and can make edits if needed. Click the Insert button.

    Convert to poll editing page 

  • The poll will be created in your account and a new Poll Everywhere added. This process will also hide the TP slide automatically.

  • Repeat the steps for remaining slides.