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Importing Students from Canvas | University of Redlands

Instructors can import their course rosters from their school’s LMS into Poll Everywhere. This automatically registers each student as a Poll Everywhere participant. Registering students with Poll Everywhere lets educators easily identify how students responded to their polls.

Follow the steps below to import students from Canvas:

  1. In Canvas, navigate to the course you would like to use with Poll Everywhere.
  2. In the Modules section select navigate to your Course Essential module. Then select the add icon in the top rightbox around the add item plus sign
  3. From the dropdown menu choose External Tool.
  4. The add item pop up with an arrow to the drop down menu and another arrow to the external tool option In the External Tool menu, scroll down, select Poll Everywhere,  and click Add Item.Arrow pointing to Poll Everywhere external tool. then another arrow pointing to Add Item
  5. Step 5: Click on the Poll Everywhere link in the module.poll everywhere link.jpg
  6. Step 6: In Poll Everywhere, log in and follow the onscreen instructions to continue.Text staying Continue to LMS to LOGIN
  7. Step 7: Select the Sync roster option. Arrow pointing to the Sync Roster option

When this is done, a new Poll Everywhere account will be created for each student who did not already have one. Students will automatically receive a notification email with a link to change their password. You can edit and manage the imported students at