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Sharing In OneDrive | University of Redlands

Sharing In OneDrive

OneDrive Allows users to easily share their files or folders with others. This allows easy and fast collaboration.

To share a file, first navigate to the file you want to share and hover over it.
File with share icon

Select the Share icon to the right of the file name
file with share icon solected

This will open the share option box. In this box there are various options you can utilize to configure how your file is shared.
Share file diologe box

Click on the arrows bellow to see how the various options you have in the share dialog box. Once configured you can select the Send button to share the file through e-mail

Setting Security

Starting at the top of the share box, if you select the Security level link you will be led into Link settings options.
share diologe box with security level highlighed and pointing to the Link settings box
The first section of the link settings asks you how secure you would like the sharing of the file. With security increasing as you descend the list.

list of the security options

Under the security level there is the option to Allow editing, which if selected (blue) will allow the end user to edit the file. If the Allow editing is not selected the end user will only have viewing rights to the file.
The allow editing option selected
In this section you can, if Allow editing is not selected, determine if the end user can or cannot download the shared file. If the Block download option is selected (blue) then the end user will not be able to download the file.
Allow editing not selected and the block download selected

When done select the Apply button to return to the previous screen.


Adding people

In the center of the share dialog box you can enter people's emails or search through people in the directory to share the file with.
Empty add person box

In the field just type the person's name or email you would like to share with. If the person is in the directory you can select their name from the dropdown.
name selection
When the person has been selected to receive the file their name or email will apear over the enter name field. You can then repeat the process to add more people
person added to share the file

Adding a message

It is good practice to add a message when sharing a file. Adding a message reduces the possibility that the recipient will think that the email is spam.showing where to add text and what it will loook after