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Teams Breakout Rooms | University of Redlands

Teams Breakout Rooms

Teams now has breakout room built into meeting. This new feature will allow you to both automatically or manually create smaller meetings during your class. This form of breakout is good for short in class meetings, the channel-based breakout option is still good if you have a long term group project for the students.

Starting Breakout Rooms

  1. In the upper right of your screen the Breakout icon will appear. To start the breakout process, select the icon.
    breakout icon.png
  2. This will open the Create Breakout Rooms menu
    set up.png
  3. In this menu you can select how many breakout rooms you would like (1 to 50)
    room number.png
  4. You can then have the system automatically assign the participants to the break outs or you can manually add the participants. NOTE: with either option you have the ability to move participants between breakouts manually.
    set up type.png
  5. Once all settings are selected click Create Rooms
    create room.png
  6. This will open the Breakout room panel on the rights side of your meetings. Here you will see your rooms, who is in them, and tools to add or edit the rooms.
    rooms panel.png
  7. To manually move people between rooms, select the room where the person is. Select the person, assign, and then the room you would like them to be in.
    move between room.png
  8. Once the rooms are ready you can send people to the room by clicking Start rooms
    start room.png
  9. When the rooms are opened the icon next to the breakout turns from gray to green
    open room.png
  10. To enter the room, select the Open button and then select Join room
    join room.png
  11. The room will open in another meeting window and put you on hold in the main room.

  12. To close the rooms, in the main room click the Close rooms This will, send a message and close the room.
    close room.png


When the breakouts are set up you can make an announcement to all users by selecting the more actions options in the breakout panel.

From here select Make an announcement and type your announcement.
anouncement 2.png

Participants will see this as a notification and will appear as a chat.
anouncement 3.png

Breakout Room Video