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Educause 2019 ELI | University of Redlands

Makerspaces: A Multidepartmental Collaborative Project

Shariq Ahmed Director of Academic Computing, Cheyne Murray Associate Director of Instructional Technology and Iyan Sandri Computer Lab Supervisor of Academic Computing had the opportunity to present at the Annual Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) in Anaheim on February 21st. 

Iyan Sandri, Cheyne Murray, and Shariq Ahmed at Educase 2019

Left to Right Iyan, Cheyne and Shariq

About ELI

The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) is a community of higher education institutions and organizations committed to advancing learning through information technology innovation.

The ELI Annual Meeting is the premier gathering of higher education teaching and learning professionals.

This is the one event that explores solutions to our learning community's key issues, engages innovative technology and service providers, and unites expertise across our institutions.

Session Description

Thursday, February 21, 2019 | 10:15a.m. - 11:00a.m. PT | Pacific Promenade 
Session Type: Poster Session


Makerspace Poster
Has your campus already developed a makerspace, or are you planning a makerspace? If so, this workshop is for you. The instructional technology team at the University of Redlands recently took on a project to establish makerspaces on campus. The project involved the setup of a central makerspace, and collaboration with multiple departments including art, physics, and the library to add minimakerspace locations across the campus. We will discuss lessons learned, scalability, and key strategies that led to the success of this project. Topics will include campus buy-in, funding, cross-departmental collaboration, and technology selection and setup.

Outcomes: Explore key factors involved in the planning, setup, and promotion of a makerspace * Develop a strategy to collaborate among various departments and stakeholders to participate in the project * Discuss ideas on how to connect makerspaces to instructional outcomes * Create a community of practitioners to continue collaboration on makerspaces

Resources: Makerspace ThingLink 360

