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Accessiblity in Kaltura | University of Redlands

Editing Close Camptioning

Kaltura auto-generated closed captioning on uploaded videos. At times the auto-generated text is inaccurate and you may need to edit.

  1. Click on the course you want to work on; it will open. In the vertical menu on the left, find "My Media" – you may have to scroll down a bit! – and click on it.

    Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 2.54.03 PM.png

  2. After you click on "My Media," your media, stored in Kaltura, will open inside of Canvas:

    Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 2.54.13 PM.png

  3. Scroll the the video you wish to update Closed Captions on and select the pencil icon. 

  4. Choose "Captions" followed by "Edit Captions

  5. The "Closed Captions Editor" pops open. Locate words that need to be updated and type directly within the editor. 


  6. Click Save