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Tommi Cahill and Allison Fraiberg | University of Redlands

Digital Story Telling: London 360

Tommi Cahill and Allison Fraiberg

Themes of my work range from gender and sexuality to perception. My current work has been driven by the fascination of the human spirit and the lengths one will go to for their dreams. Limelight, a portrait series, provides an intimate look at background actors who are pursuing their dreams of cinematic acclaim in an unforgiving industry. These Tinseltown workers come from all stations of society -- from wealthy adventurers to ex-cons -- but all of them are hoping to be "discovered," hoping to hang in there until they get that "big break." But, ultimately, it is often about the perusal of dreams that are all too often unrealized. Though extra work is a means to an end, it is not an easy one with up to 16-hour days and minimal compensation. The stark reality is that vocation is not invariably a fruitful one.


Project Summary

The students’ enrolled in Story telling May Term course will spend a significant time in the course making photographs and narrative creations describing their experience in a London. Using pens, pencils, journals, digital cameras, smart phones and instamatic cameras they will make a steady production of work (200 = photographs a week) along with significant journaling. The photographs and words will have a critique of all the blogs, Instagram feeds and journals. Each week students will show growth in what they are making as well as what they are thinking about and how they present it. At the end of the semester the students will work together to design, curate and print a book or magazine that will contain contributions the form of a chapter from each student.

I would like to use the grant funding to purchase a 360 camera for the students to use. New immersive user experiences and technologies such as a 360 camera and the accompanying apps would enhance the way the students experience the London landscape and how they tell the story of the city. The students are hungry for the future and I believe that this would be a perfect platform for the students to embrace these new technologies. They will be able to upload their panoramic images and stories on their blogs/Instagram feeds.

Using this technology would offer the students a way to experience some of the most current technology and use it in a meaningful way that would transcend beyond a “cool gimmick” and rather find a way to use it to convey meaningful ideas and imagery. The students would all use the camera and would be required to give as well as receive critique about the work being made with the camera.