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Tamara Veenstra | University of Redlands

Homework Programs Using Webworks

Professional Bio:

My favorite flavor of mathematics is number theory. I began my number theory career studying Siegel modular forms and their related L-functions in my PhD thesis from Dartmouth College. More recent interests in number theory include cryptography and communications security. I am also interested in the mathematics underlying origami designs. I enjoy developing new courses to excite students about interesting and, sometimes unexpected, topics. I have designed mathematical courses in origami and cryptography, and first year seminars in historical cryptography and exploring fantasy novels. I am especially interested in developing materials to encourage active learning both in and out of the classroom and creating and using interactive software to allow students to explore mathematical results.


Project Summary: 

Increasing the use and quality of online homework in mathematics courses by learning how to develop homework programs using webworks. Attend a minicourse on webworks at the annual math conference in Baltimore.