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Eric Hill | University of Redlands

Eric Hill | Peer Presentation Feedback Using Google Forms

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In this faculty success story, we examine the instructional design benefits and efficiency gained by implementing the use of Google forms. Leveraging a digital rubric, enabled students to critique each others presentation in real time, while providing Professor Hill a significantly streamlined approach to the critique process. A rubric designed for feedback was just the platform to provide students and faculty the opportunity to critically reflect on the presentations of others as well as feedback provided by peers. 



Case Study in Brief

Course: PHYS-3/491 Junior & Senior Seminar

Instructor: Dr. Eric Hill

Semester: Spring 2017

Number of Students: 22

Instructional Designer: Cheyne Murray


Students peer review presentations 

An efficient way for faculty to collect and analyze data

Target Skills

  • Critical Thinking: Analyze presentations and provide feedback  with open ended responses and multiple choice with rubric assessment criteria.
  • Effective Oral and Written Communication: Define, discuss and summarize information in a clear and concise approach to strengthen communication strategies.
  • Reflect: Reflecting on the constructive criticism and feedback provide by peers to impact effectiveness of future presentations.


Guidance on the following implementation of these technologies was provided by Instructional Technologies and the Center for Digital Learning.

  • Instructional Technologies
  • Google Forms
  • Moodle
  • (BYOD) Bring Your Own Device

Instructor’s Perspective

For this semester’s offering of the course, I’d initially tried to use Moodle’s “Workshop” assignment type.  That tool is specifically designed to manage small-group critiques of individual students’ written work.  However, it isn’t designed to efficiently compile a large number of critiques of one product and its awkwardly structured for in-the-moment critiques of live presentations.  So I dropped by Cheyne’s office and he quickly pointed me in the direction of Google forms.  He and Gary Johnson translated my ‘oral delivery’ rubric into a form, which we then used for the course’s first round of presentations.  The student-reviewer responses to the rubric’s categories feed into a spreadsheet, which I can easily sort and cut & paste into presenter-specific sheets that I email out.  While the dissemination of the feedback isn’t automatic, going with Google forms significantly streamlined the critique process.
Using the form they’d created for me gave me the experience / confidence to create my own form for our more detailed, complete ‘oral presentation’ rubric, which I was going to need for later presentations in the course.  We’ve used it for one round of presentations, and will be using it for two more rounds before the semester ends. 


The following steps detail how to turn a paper based assessment into an effective digital rubric which efficiently compiles data into a excel spreadsheet. 


1. Dr. Eric Hill  originally conducted presentation analysis using paper surveys.

2.Dr. Hill reached out to Dr. Gary Johnson in the technology department.

3. After discussing purpose of survey and outcomes, Gary designed a survey on google forms. 

4. Once the form was complete  and uploaded to Moodle Eric implemented the form to survey his students. The electronic form proved to be much easier for the students to access and easier for the instructor to collect and analyze data.

5. Encouraged by the success of the electronic survey, Dr. Hill designed a second form himself enabling him to gather and analyze more specific data.