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Student View | University of Redlands

Student View

One powerful tool in Canvas is the student view option. This tool allows the instructor of the course to preview course items as if they were a student. This preview allows the instructor to:

  • See what students have access to (published items)
  • Experience how a student will interact with an assignment, page, or quiz
  • Test out assignments, pages, or quizes as you build the course or before the course is published

This page will provide information on how to use the Student view including considerations you should have when using the tool.

Turning on Student View

To activate student view click on the Student View button.

student view buttonThis button is located in the upper right of all pages in your course.

On your homepage

highlighted student view on the homepage On the Modules page

student view button on the modules pageOn the Assignment page

student view button on the Assignment page

You will know when you are in student view because a your page will be outline by a pink/fuchsia boarder along with a banner at the bottom saying You are currently logged into Student View. This border will persist on your screen as you navigate in the student view.

pink/fuchsia banner with text saying You are currently logged into student view

To leave the student view click on the Leave Student View button located in the banner at the bottom right of the page

student view banner with the leave student view highlighted

Reseting Student

The student view tool creates a fake student in your course called Test Student. As you experience the course as this test student you will create a history for the Test Student account, including grades and upload history for assignments.

In doing this you may be prevented from testing out an assignment or quiz multiple times. In order to do this, you will need to Reset the student. This can be done through the Reset Student button in the banner at the bottom right of the page.

student view banner with the reset student view button highlighted

Removing the Test Student

The Test Student can affect some of the data in your Grades tab, and you may at times want to remove the test student entirely from you course. Note: you can always re-add them by going into student view again.

To remove the test student:

  1. Go to your course settings
    left navigation menue with settings highlighted
  2. Select the Sections tab
    setting navigation with the sections tab highlighted
  3. If you have multiple sections, select the section that contains the test student
    list of course sections with the one that includes students highlighted
  4. Under the Current Enrollments heading(1), find the Student Test user (2) which has a long string of alpha-numeric characters. Hover over Student, Test, and click on the red and white X icon (3) to the right of it to Remove User from Section
    the Current Enrollment section with numbers connecting to the text above