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Cross-Listing | University of Redlands


Canvas provides an instructor the option to use one Canvas course for multiple sections. In Canvas this is called Cross-Listing. When cross-listing a course the enrollments of one course are brought into a parent course as another section.

Below offers information about the process, both the benefits of cross-listing and topics one should be aware of when cross-listing. After reading, if you choose to cross-list your sections e-mail with the information for the courses to cross-list and which course you would like to be the primary course.

two courses, one labled primary with section 1 students, the other labled secondary with section 2 students under. Arrows pointing to the left to a box labled primary, underneath section 1 and 2 students.

Cross-listing will combine multiple courses into one. In the process the one course is considered the primary course, this course will retain all content and be the new course. Students from the seconday course(s) will be brought into the primary course, any content in the secondary course will be lost.

Things to consider before cross-listing.

  • Cross-listing will only be done before the term starts on unpublished courses. Once students interact with a course cross-listing cannot be done.
  • Course content from the Primary course will be retained, but course content from the Secondary course will be lost.
  • The name of the Primary course will not be changed unless you request it.
  • The process ends with you having a single course, you will have to manage due dates and communication based on the sections.
  • Courses with different learning materials SHOULD NOT be cross-listed
  • You can still send grades to Self Service from a cross-listed course.

Benefits of cross-listing

  • Singular Canvas course on your dashboard for all your sections
  • Ease of management when courses have the same learning materials and content.
  • Option of cross-course communication between students