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Account Settings | University of Redlands

Account Settings

Profile Picture


Text Instructions

  1. Click on the Account icon
    account icon highlighted
  2. Select Settings
    settings link highlighted
  3. On the settings page click the profile picture
    highlighted profile image thumbnail
  4. In the pop-up click any part of image the screen
    Highlighted middle section of the upload picture screen
  5. In the File picker select the image you would like for your profile. Then select Save
    after upload screen with save button highlighted
  6. This will update your profile picture



Text Instructions

  1. Click on the Account icon
    account icon highlighted
  2. Select Settings
    settings link highlighted
  3. In the right hand menu click Edit Settings
    Edit Settings button hightlighted
  4. The pronoun field will be activated. Select the field to open the drop down.
    Pronoun feald highlighted
  5. Select the your pronouns from the list
    pronoun list.jpg
  6. Lastly click on Update Settings to save the changes
    update settings button highlighted