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Online Learning Strategies | University of Redlands

Online Learning Strategies


This handbook is for instructors who have never taught online before. You will learn about the roles of the teacher and student in an online course, as well as how to set up your own online course using Moodle.

To get started, watch the video below. When finished, click the navigation arrow under the video to move to the next page.





Why is online teaching important? (6:22)


Teacher's Role


In the classroom, the instructor is often the primary source of information. Online, the instructor points students to resources, then expends most of her effort helping students think through that material through discussion, assignments, etc.

As you prepare your course, keep in mind that your goal is not to “put your existing course online.” Instead, your goal is to “create an effective online course” – one that coincidentally covers similar content. Many face-to-face course formats don't work well at all when translated online, so don't assume you'll create a good online course by simply translating all of your current course activities into an online format.



  • Tips for Online Teaching (8:48)


  • 12 Best Practices for Online Facilitating (12:30)

Students Role


Learning online can be a challenge for the student, especially if it is their first online course. Students must make adjustments in their learning strategies.

In the classroom, they may be used to taking notes in a lecture and in the online environment collaborative learning is heavily stressed. Students must also contend with technology and differences in communication.

The challenges of the student soon become the challenges of the instructor. Instructors often find themselves troubleshooting technical queries and answering multiple email questions.



Online Classes: Tips for SUCCESS (10:49)


Online Course Development 

Illustration by Giulia Forsythe


Now that you have learned about the roles of the teacher and student in online learning, the next step is to design and organize your online course.

How to Design Your Online Course (5:43)

Online Course Development - Organize Your Moodle 


The screenshot above was taken from this course. It shows how the Course Information block is organized.
Click here to open a pdf file that provides more details. You can print this file to use as a reference to the course's main page.

Use the video tutorials on the next page to teach you how to use Moodle to set up your course.




Moodle Video Tutorials

Below is a series of videos that will help you learn to use Moodle.

Use the Hamburger menu on the top-left side of the video to see a playlist of all the videos in this series.


Moodle Worksheets

Below are links to step-by-step worksheets for UOR faculty.
You are encouraged to print them.

Click the links below to open the pdf files:

  1. Moodle Quick Start Guide
  2. Gradebook Setup
  3. Forum Activity
  4. Assignment Activity
  5. Quiz Creation
  6. Import Course Content
  7. Back-up and Restore a Course
  8. Group Assignments