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ThingLink | University of Redlands


ThingLink ( is a web-based tool that lets you annotate 2D and 360 images, as well as videos. With this tool students, faculty, and staff can add hotspots to images and video to offer explanations, provide background, and link to create a narrative.

Instructors can add ThingLink projects easily into their Canvas course. This will allow students explore the project you have created.

To help with ideas on how to use ThingLink there is a Learning center. This center can provide templets, ideas, and video tutorials that can help you design and imagine your own ThingLink project. You can also explore Esri's StoryMap Expeditions page to see how you can incorporate ThingLink and StoryMaps. To learn more about StoryMaps and access please see the Center for Spatial Studies.

Below are some University of Redlands examples.

Homecoming boat regatta

This project uses 360 images and ThinkLink's tour options to tell a story about the 2018 University of Redlands Homecoming boat regatta.

Campus Map

This ThingLink was created to show the posible locations to place printers on campus.




To learn more or discuss the abilities of ThingLink you can reach out to one of our Instructional Designers.