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Workshops and Events | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Workshops and Events

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   Learning from Classroom Conflicts

Join us for a conversation about how restorative practices in the classroom can create opportunities to work with students through conflicts while still finding ways to critically examine our beliefs and assumptions about the world and each other.

Date: Thursday, October 28, 2021
Time: 4:00PM
Location: North University Hall 106 (School of Education)

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   Say My Name

Join us for a workshop to learn more about the University's Preferred Name Policy, how to introduce yourself with your pronouns, how to create inclusive spaces that recognize individual's identified names and pronouns, and how to navigate conversations when you have made a mistake.

Date: Monday, November 29, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM


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   Difficult Conversations

Learn how to be an active listener and have difficult conversations. In this session, we will review many aspects of having difficult conversations including active listening, preparing for discussions, and the necessary steps to creating a productive conversation.

Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Time: 3:30 PM
Location (Hybrid):  Gregory Hall 175 and Zoom
Meeting ID:  703 950 8226;


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Navigating Conflict in Student Leadership Roles

Learn how a student leader can help resolve conflicts that occur within student organizations. The session will incorporate active listening skills, provide models to conduct difficult conversations, and demonstrate how policies and procedures can assist in challenging times.

Date: Sunday, January 16, 2022
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Orton Center