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Restorative Justice Facilitators | University of Redlands

Restorative Justice Facilitators


Ann Blankenship Knox

Annie Blankenship Knox

Associate Professor, Program Coordinator of Education Administration Program
School of Education, Department of Leadership and Higher Education
P 909.748.8932

Annie Blankenship Knox is the Education Administration Program Coordinator and an Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership and Higher Education in the School of Education.  Specifically, her scholarship focuses on the First Amendment issues in K-12 public schools, particularly as they relate to equity in educational systems.  Dr. Knox teaches education law, finance, reflective and ethical leadership, and leadership for diverse populations to Master’s and doctoral students. Prior to her university service, she was a civil defense litigator, representing public schools, other public service agencies, and private companies in liability and employment issues. Dr. Knox received her J.D. from the University of Tennessee and her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia.


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Joy Clark

Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Finance & Enrollment Division
Finance & Administration
P 909.748.8026

I'm Joy Clark, and I believe that anything can be accomplished with proper communication, and an open mind.  I’m excited to be a part of the Restorative Justice team. As the great Maya Angelou said, “When you learn, teach, when you get give.” I am excited to serve the University of Redlands community as an RJ facilitator. 

I am the current president of the Black Student, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, & Administrators Association (BSFSAA).  We are change agents, and I believe that restorative justice is another way to bring that to the University of Redlands.

Paul Gaffney

Paul Gaffney

Program Manager of Education, Community Relations, and Spiritual Care Services
Shaw Chaplaincy Institute
P 415.451.2882

As a Clinical Pastoral Educator, I believe that everyone has a story worth hearing. I also believe that we are made for community, meant to care for and learn from each other. Our ability to listen with empathy and compassion is our greatest gift to others, a gift that can be learned and grown through the practice of self-reflection. I have an undergraduate degree in Sociology/Anthropology, and after earning my Master of Divinity degree, I was ordained as a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). In addition to my Christian practice, I am a lay-ordained Zen Buddhist in the Soto lineage of Shunryu Suzuki. To my role as a Restorative Justice Facilitator, I bring my values of inclusion, equanimity, curiosity, and a life-long desire to learn.

Ken Grcich

Ken Grcich

Sr. Associate Dean
Student Affairs
P 909.748.8243

Ken Grcich oversees the Health & Counseling Centers, Student Involvement and Success, and Recreation.  This is his second year serving as Sr. Associate Dean at the U of R.  He lived in Abu Dhabi (in the United Arab Emirates) for 9 years before trekking his way to southern California.  Ken has a Masters in Social Work and a doctorate in Higher Education from the University of Pennsylvania.  He is passionate about serving and supporting our students in various capacities including life coaching, advising several student groups on campus, and as a Restorative Justice facilitator.

Kimiya Sohrab Maghzi

Kimiya Sohrab Maghzi

Assistant Professor; Coordinator of EDSP Programs
School of Education, department of teaching and Learning
P 909.748.8867

It is my privilege and honor to serve my University of Redlands community. I feel as though the Restorative Justice process offers a non-traditional approach to justice by repairing harm through a cooperative process. I believe in the importance of education and training for all individuals, and therefore my essential core principles that guide my practice as an educator are justice, compassion, and collaboration. Additionally, since I am the child of immigrants who came to this country to escape religious persecution, I have a strong commitment to justice, equity, the promotion of unity, the abandonment of all types of prejudice, and the oneness of humanity. Thus, I have dedicated my studies and my teaching to eliminating oppressive practices and supporting diversity including race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, dis/abilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status. I actualize my commitment to social justice through my teaching. I am committed to empowering students to think critically about their world and examine the positive and negative forces influencing their community and social inequalities within it. I deliberately teach students to move outside of their prior modes of thought through reflective assignments and class discussions. The teaching pedagogies that help me achieve this are by using contemplative and transformative teaching practices as well as positive psychology. My principle research interests include DisCrit (dis/ability studies & critical race theory), families’ and individuals’ perspectives on dis/abilities, and breaking down stereotypes and stigmas pertaining to individuals and learners with dis/abilities.


Cassandra Morton

Cassandra Morton

Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Residence Life and Housing
Student Affairs
P 909.748.8053

Hello, my name is Cassandra Morton and I am an Associate Dean of Student Affairs and the Director of Residence Life and Housing. Having been a Bulldog graduate from the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Business, I have had the opportunity to see the University of Redlands through a variety of lens. I see how crucial it is for each of us to understand our impact on others and the healing that comes from being in dialogue with one another. I am drawn to restorative justice practices for the processing of resolutions that takes place through examining the behaviors which have already transpired. Participating in restorative justice enables those who have been harmed to provide insight of their experience and how they were impacted within a learning environment structure that values being forward-thinking through collaboration. I see this process as bringing people together, instead of pushing them apart, to create collective growth. 

Erica Revell

Department Coordinator
Armacost Library
P 909.748.8092

Hello! my name is Erica and I work in the Armacost Library as the Department Coordinator. Amongst various aspects of my job, my priority is to help support students and staff and not just academically. My goal is to help accomplish change through the restorative justice program.  As a support person I believe everyone deserves to know that there is some here to support you, whether its encouragement, talking things out or just a listening ear. 

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Maggie Ruopp

Resident Director and Admission Coordinator
Johnston Center for Integrative Studies
P 909.748.8615

I graduated from the Johnston Center in 2016 and have worked for Johnston in a variety of roles ever since. My role on campus in its essence is help people and solve problems––academic, financial, emotional, logistical. I'm incredibly dedicated to my students and want to ensure that each of them has as equitable of an educational experience as possible. It’s also important to me that my colleagues receive the support and care that they deserve from each other and the institution. Restorative Justice is something I believe is an essential piece to keeping humanity and accountability at the forefront of the University’s work. 

Erin Sanborn

Erin Sanborn

Student Involvement & Success
P 909.748.8242

I have been at the U of R since March 2011, I started in the Office of Community Service Learning (CSL), in the summer of 2017 I moved to the Student Involvement and Success Office (SIS) where my team and I manage and advise Student Government (ASUR), Greek Life, special events, clubs and organizations, and student engagement software. Before working at the U of R I worked for the City of Redlands' Police Department Recreation Bureau focused on community development and crime prevention. I received my Masters of Business Arts at the U of R in 2010 and have pursued continued education in areas related to Title IX, equity, parent education, and social justice. I believe in the transformative work of restorative practices by bringing people together to gain understanding, heal harms, and facilitate authentic growth. 

Marco Schindelmann

Marco Schindelmann

Professor Emeritus
P: 562.413.5868

Marco has moved through life as the University of Redlands Director of Opera, President of the Arts Council for the City of Long Beach, part-time death doula, Director of soundpedro, and President of east village caravanserai (a company that curates and presents dynamic, relevant theatre-based performances fostering dialogue and community).

MOnique Stennis

Monique Stennis

Interim Director of Diversity Initiatives
Campus Diversity and Inclusion
P 909.748.8471

I live to empower those around me. It is my privilege to be at the University of Redlands to serve and support the well-being of all Bulldogs. Presently, I am the interim director of Diversity Initiatives, leveraging my unique background and perspective to provide leadership to the Office of Campus Diversity and Inclusion.

I serve as vice president of the Black Student, Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Association (BSFSAA). Fair and justice policies and processes are vital to creating a diverse and inclusive campus. For this reason, I am a restorative justice facilitator and former co-chair of the University-wide Council on Inclusiveness & Community.

Jennifer Tilton

Race & Ethnic Studies
P 909.748.8506

Hi! I am Jen. I am a mom, an advocate for more humane criminal justice policies, and a professor in the Race and Ethnic Studies Program, where I have taught since 2007. I want to be an Equity advisor because I care deeply about creating fair and just processes to support people through trying times in their lives. We all deserve to be heard, supported and valued in our workplaces, and to have someone walk beside us as we wade through sometimes complex and intimidating bureaucratic processes. 

Ruth West

Ruth West

Associate Director of Advanced Pastoral Studies
Graduate School of Theology
P 415.451.2838

I am an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and Associate Director of Advanced Pastoral Studies at the Graduate School of Theology, Home of San Francisco Theological Seminary. In both my ministry and work at UOR, I am committed to journeying alongside people who are in transition – discerning and contemplating who they are and where their next steps should/will be. An integral part of this process is assuring that their stories be heard in their own voices so that a more just conversation happens. I do this work because I believe in the imperative of mutually beneficial interconnectedness in community and an ultimate goal of steadfast lovingkindness

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Kathryn (Kady) Wood

Director of Employee Relations
Human Resources
P 909.748.8479

Hi! My name is Kady Wood and I am the Director of Employee Relations. I have worked at the University of Redlands for 21 years, in a variety of roles. I love working in an environment conducive to learning in and outside of the classroom. It has been a pleasure for me to assist students in finding part-time employment while gaining valuable career experience. In my spare time, I volunteer with Riverside County Court as a Mediator. I believe my experience and education serve well in the roles I have as a Title IX investigator and Restorative Justice Facilitator

Restorative Justice Facilitators