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Contact the CRC | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Contact the CRC

Once you fill out a form with the Conflict Resolution Center, the CRC Team will review the information you provided and contact you to set up a time to meet with one of the members. During the meeting, team members will work with you to determine the next steps in the process.

Click here to complete and submit a CRC Contact Form or send an email to the CRC Team at

CRC Response Process

CRC Response Flow Chart

CRC Response Flow Chart

Frequently Asked Questions


If I submit a CRC Contact Form, will you automatically share it with the University's Department of Public Safety?

No, not all incidents are criminal in nature. If the CRC Team has questions about whether the incident is criminal or not, the team may ask the University's Department of Public Safety to review it and determine if further action by the police is warranted.

Will the CRC Team automatically share my information with the Community Standards and Wellbeing Office, the Office of Equity & Title IX, or Human Resources?

No, but that might be an option for you and the team member to discuss as part of your action plan to resolve the incident.

What happens if I am listed as an alleged offender in a bias incident?

The individual who submitted the CRC Contact Form will work with the CRC Team to determine whether to pursue a formal complaint through the university's existing disciplinary procedures. If a complaint is made through a formal process, a University official may contact the alleged offender if the incident is a violation of the University Student Code of Community Standards or any other University policy.

Does the CRC Team respond to off-campus bias incidents?

The CRC team will provide services and support to students who experience a bias incident no matter where the incident occurs. However, the options available to students for a formal process may be limited based on the location of the incident among other considerations.

What options will the CRC explore to address my concerns of bias?

The CRC will discuss options and help you decide the best option for you moving forward.  The options below are not exhaustive, but provide examples to encourage continued support to individuals and our community:

  • Educational opportunities – training, workshop, and intentional educational experiences
  • Conflict Coaching
  • Facilitated Dialogue
  • Facilitated Restorative Justice Process
  • Organized community action