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Production Collective | University of Redlands
University of Redlands

Production Collective

This ambitious production is a unique and powerful learning environment where students, faculty, guest artists and alumni collaborate to bring new life to an old story. 

Conceived by Chris Beach, BIG BROTHER HAMLET's core creative team includes Designers Trevor Norton and Deborah Bradford from the Theatre Arts Department, Dr. Anthony Suter from the School of Music(composer), Dr. Steve Morics from the Math Department (Polonius); Dr. Heather King from the English Department (Gertrude); Dr. Terry Smith, Chair of Theatre at CSUSB, (Fight Choreography and Dramaturgy); and Doug Hammett ’87 (Production Media Design).



Onstage Computer Analyst/ASM: Angie Petschek/Leigh Kilgus

Claudius: Chris Beach

Gertrude: Dr. Heather King

Polonius/Grave Digger: Dr. Steve Morics

Hamlet: Alex Bueermann  # Understudy Brandon Leavitt

Ophelia:  Marinda Convis  # Understudy Caroline Boyll

Horatio:  Sean Dunnington

Rosencrantz:  Allison Torrance  # Understudy Anna Klein

Guildenstern:  Emily Wright  # Understudy Peter Morics

Leartes/Voice of Ghost: Tommy Stanley

First Player: Alyssa Reamy

Ensemble: to include Player Prologue/Grave digger 2:  Peter Morics # Understudy Emily Wright

Ensemble: to include Cornelius, Player Queen:  Lise Bryn

# Understudy Miriam Shams

Ensemble: to include Osric: Thomas Cone  # Understudy Lise Bryn

Ensemble: to include Marcellus, Player King, Priest: Leigh Kilgus 

# Understudy Angie Petschek

Ensemble: Regina/Lucianus:  Anna Klein  # Understudy Allison Torrance

Video Imagery, Social Media, Marketing Team: Miriam Shams, Alyssa Reamy, Caroline Boyll, Anna Klein, Lise Bryn,


NOTE: Understudies will receive 2 performances in Redlands and 1 performance in Edinburgh.